Principal Investigators
Attila Gürsoy
Research Area
Özlem Keskin
For more information see Dr. Keskin’s homepage.
PhD Students
Damla ÖvekPhD Candidate, Computer Science and Engineering
Meryem ErenPhD Candidate, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Erxiati PaerhatiPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Melisa Ece ZeylanPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Fatma CankaraPhD Candidate, Computational Science and Engineering
Esra BaşaranPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Simge ŞenyüzPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Kayra KösoğluPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Zeynep AbalıPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Zeynep AydınPhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Amir FathiPh.D. Student, Computational Science and Engineering
Damla Övek
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Ph.D. Candidate, AI Fellow, Koç University-Computer Science & Engineering
M.Sc. Koç University-Computational Science & Engineering
B.Sc. Koç University-Computer Engineering (Double Major)
B.Sc. Koç University-Molecular Biology & Genetics
Meryem Eren
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Erxiati Paerhati
Investigation of the association between type2 diabetes and human gut microbiota
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Ph.D. Student Koç University-Computational Science and Engineering
B.Sc. Hacettepe University-Biology
Melisa Ece Zeylan
Research Area
Cardiovascular stress impacts on neuronal function: intracellular pathways to cognitive impairment
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Fatma Cankara
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Esra Başaran
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Simge Şenyüz
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Ph.D. Candidate, Koç University, Computational Science and Engineering
M.Sc. Koç University, Computational Science and Engineering
B.Sc. Boğaziçi University, Chemistry
M.Sc Thesis: The Investigation of Mechanistic Differences of Rac1P29S and Rac1A159V Activation via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Cardiovascular stress impacts on neuronal function: intracellular pathways to cognitive impairment
Kayra Kösoğlu
M.Sc. Thesis: Turning the Spotlight on a Long-Overlooked Pathway: Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Ras Family Members with RalGDS.
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Ph.D. Candidate Koç University, Computational Science and Engineering
M.Sc. Koç University, Molecular Biology and Genetics
B.Sc. Istanbul Bilgi University, Genetics and Bio-engineering
Zeynep Abalı
Ph.D. Student, AI Fellow, Koç University – Computational Science and Engineering M.Sc. Thesis:Short Bio
M.Sc. Koç University, Data Science
B.Sc. Middle East Technical University – Molecular Biology and Genetics
A Data-Centric Approach for Investigation of Protein-Protein Interfaces in Protein Data Bank
Drug Repurposing Using Structural Similarity and Discovery of New Target ProteinsResearch
Zeynep Aydın
Ph.D. Candidate, Koç University, Computational Science and Engineering B.Sc. Short Bio
Amir Fathi
Ph.D. Candidate, Koç University, Computational Science and EngineeringShort Bio
MSc Students
Moaaz KhokharM.Sc. Student, Computer Science and Engineering
Zeynep Ahenk SayınM.Sc. Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Moaaz Khokhar
M.Sc. Candidate, AI Fellow, Koç University, Computer Science and EngineeringShort Bio
Zeynep Ahenk Sayın
M.Sc. Candidate Koç University, Chemical and Biological EngineeringShort Bio
Ras/Raf/MAPK Pathway Structural NetworkResearch
Undergrad Students
Demet TümkayaUndergrad DM Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering
Yiğit Can AteşUndergrad DM Student, Molecular Biology and Genetics & Computer Engineering
Tolga ErmişUndergrad DM Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering
Demet Tümkaya
Assessment of PRISM Software by using Apoptosis Pathway
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B.Sc. Koç University – Chemical-Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering
Yiğit Can Ateş
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Tolga Ermiş
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B.Sc. Koç University – Chemical-Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering
Emre KüçükMSc, Data Science
Burcu ÖzerBSc, Chemical and Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering (DM)
Jackson WeakoPhD, Computational Science and Engineering
Sukejna ValjevacMSc, Computer Science and Engineering
Ali Tuğrul BalcıMSc, Computer Science and Engineering
Ayşe Seda YazgılıMSc, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Emine Sıla ÖzdemirPhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Serena MuratcıoğluPhD, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Efe ElbeyliMSc, Biomedical Science and Engineering
Bilgesu ErdoğanMSc, Biomedical Science and Engineering
Asma HakouzMSc, Computer Science and Engineering
Meltem Eda ÖmürMSc, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Farideh HalakouPhD, Computer Science and Engineering
Emre Küçük
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M.Sc. Student Koç University-Data Science
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University-Mathematical Engineering
Burcu Özer
Assessment of PRISM Software by using Apoptosis Pathway
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B.Sc. Koç University – Chemical-Biological Engineering & Computer Engineering
Jackson Weako
Understanding the Pleckstrin Homology (PH) Domain Peculiar Mechanism in Akt Translocation, Phosphorylation, and Activation.
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Ph.D. Koç University, Computational Science and Engineering
M.Sc. Kadir Has University, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
B.Sc. Cuttington University, Chemistry
For more information see Jackson’s homepage
Sukejna Valjevac
Evaluation and Ranking of Protein Docking Models by 3D Convolutional
Neural Networks
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M.Sc. Koç University-Computer Science & Engineering
B.Sc. Boğaziçi University-Molecular Biology &Genetics
Ali Tuğrul Balcı
Since proteins are pivotal for the most of the crucial activities that are happening in organisms and the proteins, most of the time, do not act alone, studying protein-protein interactions is very important. Predicting which proteins can interact with each other is a very valuable skill on which I am working by using both statistical and deterministic algorithms.
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M.Sc. Koç University-Computer Science and Engineering
Ayşe Seda Yazgılı
Ras protein is shown to interact with the proteins involved in crucial pathways such as MAPK and PI3K. Our group recently showed that specific mutations on Ras protein interfere with the p-ERK level within the cell. Using molecular dynamics simulation methods and computational analysis, we aim to have a deeper understanding how these mutations affects the interaction .Therefore, I am simulating the interactions of KRAS protein and Ras-Binding-Domain (RBD) of c-Raf protein.
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M.Sc. Koç University-Molecular Biology and Genetics
B.Sc. İstanbul Technical University-Molecular Biology and Genetics
For more information see Ayşe Seda’s homepage
Emine Sıla Özdemir
IQGAP2 is a scaffold protein which plays central roles in cell-cell adhesion, polarity and cell motility. Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1, in their GTP-bound active forms, interact with all three human IQGAP isoforms. IQGAP-Cdc42 interaction promotes metastasis by enhancing actin polymerization. However, despite their high degree of sequence identity, Cdc42 and Ra1 intrections with IQGAP show differences. We aim to reveal the interaction mechanisms of these proteins.
Unraveling the molecular mechanism of interactions of the Rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 with the scaffolding protein IQGAP2. Ozdemir ES, Jang H, Gursoy A, Keskin O, Li Z, Sacks DB, Nussinov R (2018) . The Journal of Biological Chemistry. doi:10.1074/jbc.RA117.001596
Relation between Protein Intrinsic Normal Mode Weights and Pre-Existing Conformer Populations. Ozgur B*, Ozdemir ES*, Gursoy A, Keskin O (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (15):3686-3700.doi:10.1021/
Red emitting, cucurbituril-capped, pH-responsive conjugated oligomer-based nanoparticles for drug delivery and cellular imaging. Pennakalathil J, Jahja E, Ozdemir ES, Konu O, Tuncel D (2014) Biomacromolecules 15 (9):3366-3374. doi:10.1021/bm500839j
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M.Sc. Bilkent University-Molecular Biology and Genetics
Ph.D. Koç University-Chemical and Biological Engineering
For more information see Sıla’s homepage
Serena Muratcıoğlu
Ras proteins recruit and activate effectors, including Raf, that transmit receptor-initiated signals and regulates gene expression. Ras is believed to function as a monomer; however, since Raf dimerizes, it was suspected that Ras may also dimerize. Here we show that GTP-bound K-Ras4B forms stable homodimers using two interfaces. We aim to confirm RAS dimerization in vivo and understand the effect of
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Ph.D. Koç University-Chemical and Biological Engineering
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University-Chemistry and Molecular Biology & Genetics
Efe Elbeyli
Capri is community wide experiment to test protein-protein docking methods in blind predictions based on three-dimensional structures. Targets are selected from experimentally known but unpublished complex structures. Predictors can use any of the information in literature about the components for prediction.
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M.Sc. Koç University-Biomedical Science and Engineering
Bilgesu Erdoğan
Diseases are commonly the result of dysregulated complex interactions involving large sets of genes and proteins as products of these genes, and their cooperation with other cellular components. Interpreting protein-protein interactions at both network and molecular interaction levels with mutation knowledge requires a comprehensive research process that is fed from different sources. In this project, we developed a web-based tool, Gene2Phen, by integrating large-scale protein-protein interaction network, 3D protein structure information and interface mutation knowledge to aid researchers in exploring and comparing the molecular mechanism of different phenotypes. Gene2Phen works as an automatized pipeline tool to build, visualize and compare phenotype specific subnetworks, to examine protein- protein interactions associated with their structure and mutation data. Gene2Phen web tool prioritizes the human protein-protein network based on seed genes specific to a phenotype. From the prioritized-PPI network, users can generate a phenotype specific subnetwork. The phenotype-specific subnetworks can be visualized and compared interactively. Genome annotations and topological properties of each protein are shown in this interactive network representation. A unique feature of Gene2Phen is its ability to display 3D structural models of protein-protein interactions and their predicted protein-protein interfaces. Users can see the list of mutations which are mapped on predicted protein-protein interfaces. This allows users to study mutations altering protein-protein interfaces and their role in the phenotype-specific subnetworks. Gene2Phen, by automating the integration of protein-protein networks, protein structure, and disease – related mutations at large scale, will not only boost the productivity and efficiency, but it may be the leveraging step to the novel solutions/studies.
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M.Sc. Koç University-Biomedical Science and Engineering
B.Sc. Bilkent University-Computer Engineering
Asma Hakouz
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M.Sc. Koç University – Computer Science and Engineering
B.Sc. The University of Jordan – Electrical Engineering
For more information see Asma’s homepage
Meltem Eda Ömür
Classification of structures of protein-protein interactions may provide valuable insights for modeling and abstracting design principles. We aim to cluster protein-protein interactions by their interface structures, and to exploit these clusters to obtain and study shared and distinct protein binding sites and expand previously created interface datasets. The novelty in this work is in generating structurally non-redundant protein-protein interfaces which are sensitive to small perturbations in protein binding sites that have a significant impact in template-based docking.
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M.Sc. Koç University-Molecular Biology and Genetics
B.Sc. Üsküdar University-Computer Engineering (Double Major)
B.Sc. Üsküdar University-Molecular Biology and Genetics
Farideh Halakou
The common practice in structural PPI networks is to consider just one specific conformation for each protein. Yet it is not a comprehensive representation as it neglects the conformational changes of proteins which may lead to different protein interactions, functions, and downstream signaling. We propose a new representation for structural PPI networks which inspects the different conformations of proteins.
Enriching Traditional Protein-protein Interaction Networks with Alternative Conformations of Proteins. Halakou F, Kilic ES, Cukuroglu E, Keskin O, Gursoy A. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 3;7(1):7180.
Topological, functional, and structural analyses of protein-protein interaction networks of breast cancer lung and brain metastases, Halakou F, Gursoy A., Kilic E. S. and Keskin O. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), Manchester, 2017, pp. 1-7.
doi: 10.1109/CIBCB.2017.8058539
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M.Sc. Kerman Graduate University of Technology-Information Technology Engineering
For more information see Farideh’s homepage